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July 28, 2010


It's been a little over a month since I've visited my blog, just spent the afternoon catching up on all the blogs I follow which is rather inspiring. I love reading about other people's creative process or what they may be feeling passionate about at the time whether it's their work, their thrift store finds or their favorite place to escape to. It reminds me not to get so stuck in the day to day boring aspects of life and to remember to seek out the small details that can transform my day.

If all goes well I’ll be taking a trip up North next week. I’m going to make it my goal to find new things to be inspired by, new ideas to come home and translate into my work. I do have some new areas I want to move in so hopefully I can combine the two ideas and broaden my work…

Speaking of things that inspire I ran accross this Etsy shop: http://www.etsy.com/shop/UndeadEd

With such wonderful items as:http://www.etsy.com/listing/41690283/rottot-abigail-gustav

                                                  And this wonderful piece
His work is amazing and for further enjoyment you have to read his bio page!